Why is my hair falling out?

Beautiful hair dresses you up and increases self-confidence, so it is understandable that many people feel despair when they experience hair loss. However, hair renewal is basically a natural process, which involves the continuous loss of a part of the hair. At the change of season, this phenomenon may increase slightly, which can also be considered natural. Therefore, there is no need to immediately worry if, for a few days, you find more hair than usual in your hairbrush while getting ready in the morning.

What is considered severe hair loss?

During our lifetime, 25-30 hairs grow from one hair follicle. Hairs are created, grow, enter a resting phase, and then the newly formed hairs make the older ones fall out. The loss of 60-100 hairs per day is therefore the result of a completely natural physiological process. However, hair loss that is significantly more than this, or that persists for a long time, should be considered severe hair loss and definitely requires a medical examination. A visit to a specialist is also necessary if the number of lost hairs does not exceed the amount of natural, physiological hair loss, but new hairs are formed to a lesser extent or not at all.

The most common reasons behind severe hair loss

Our hair is basically so dense that in many cases only approximately the loss of 30-40% becomes really noticeable, and we start to worry about the possibility of baldness. However, it is not advisable to wait until this point if you want to reverse the process.

Mental trauma, the regular and continuous stress associated with our fast-paced lifestyle can also be behind a large amount of pathological hair loss, you will read about this in detail in a new post soon.

The constant tense state also affects the circulation processes of the skin. The blood vessels narrow, the pores shrink, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, so the hair becomes greasier and more difficult to manage. Inflammatory scalp diseases that cause hair loss may also appear, and psoriasis or eczema may recur on the scalp.

Inflammatory diseases can also cause severe hair loss, which is why it is very important to perform a focal investigation. For this purpose, it is worth visiting a gynecologist and an ear-nose-throat specialist, and taking a panoramic dental X-ray may also be useful.

Deficiency states resulting from unhealthy eating habits and drastic diets also have an impact on hair quality. Iron, zinc or protein deficiency can also cause increased hair loss.

Modern hair beauty treatments, chemical treatments, hair extensions, hair straightening, can be triggers just like tight braids, buns or Afro braids, so it is also important to think about hair wearing habits – you will soon read about hair loss caused by hair styles on our website.

Hormonal causes are often behind serious hair problems, which can develop as a result of natural anatomical processes, e.g. after childbirth or during climax, but various medicines, e.g. taking birth control pills and obesity can also result. In addition, various diseases can upset the hormonal balance.

The phenomenon can also be caused by short-term fall, winter or spring hair loss linked to seasonal changes. However, the step-by-step examination of the developed symptoms and the treatment are most often effective, so the problem will be resolved.

First steps to regenerate your hair

Instead of expensive treatments and interventions, it is important to start caring for your hair from the basics! Avoid frequent consumption of fast food, frequent hair dyeing, and if you can, try to reduce the stress on you. We know it’s not easy, but it can also be the source of many other problems.

Also, make sure that your hair does not lack the most important vitamins and essential nutrients, as it can only rebuild itself if the building blocks are available.

In our fast-paced world, it is difficult to get these nutrients exclusively from food, which is one of the reasons why we created the Love My Hair hair vitamin, which provides a complex source of nutrients with its 18 ingredients, and the added collagen, Q10 and hyaluronic acid also support the health of your skin and nails.

5+1 method against hair loss

Every cell in our body is constantly renewed, and hair loss is a natural part of this process, so there is no need to be alarmed if you find up to 70-100 strands on your favorite hairbrush after washing your hair.

However, it does not hurt to pay attention, if 3-4x of this returns to you from the drain, you should contact a professional! You can do a lot to preserve and regenerate your hair’s health, so we have collected 5+1 methods for you to care for your natural jewelry efficiently and cost-effectively.


1. Increasing blood circulation in the scalp

Hair loss is often the result of slowed blood circulation. The blood circulation of the scalp can be increased if you alternately rinse your hair with cold and warm water when washing your hair. A short massage also has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the scalp, which can be performed on dry and wet hair and scalp. Gently but firmly massage the scalp with your fingertips in circular motions to stimulate blood circulation. It is worth devoting five minutes to it every day for visible results.


2. Homemade hair wrap

Mix lavender, cedar, thyme and rosemary oils – add 5 drops of each to 30 milliliters of jojoba oil (if you don’t have grape seed oil at home, apply this mixture evenly to the entire length of the hair). Repeat the hair pack three to four times a week and continue until you see improvement. Its regular use has already been proven to treat and stop the hair loss process.

3. Castor oil

The oil of the castor plant is one of the oldest known hair growth agents, which not only stimulates hair growth, but also has a nourishing and regenerating effect. Castor oil is available in pharmacies and organic stores.

Preparation: Castor oil is a thick essential oil, so it is worth diluting it half-and-half with coconut or olive oil. Despite its thick texture, castor oil can also be used alone. Apply the oil to dry hair and massage well into the scalp. Wrap your hair in a towel and wait for half an hour, then wash your hair as usual.

4. Hydration with walnut leaves

The decoction of walnut leaves is an effective antidote to dandruff and hair loss, its use stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth. Boil a handful of dried walnut leaves, pour them into a bowl and let them cool. As soon as the temperature is pleasant let’s soak our hair in it for about 15 minutes.

5. Increased vitamin intake

  • The following vitamins are essential for healthy hair and prevent hair loss:
  • Vitamin A – acts as an antioxidant, helps sebum production (hair’s natural protective layer).
  • Vitamin C – makes the scalp healthy, protects it from dandruff and dryness.
  • Vitamin E – nourishes the scalp and contributes to the health of the hair
  • Biotin – helps prevent premature graying of hair
  • Inositol – prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin B3 – promotes blood circulation and thus makes the cells of the scalp healthier
  • Vitamin B5 – stops hair loss and promotes new hair growth
  • Vitamins B6 and B12 – play a role in healthy hair growth

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Phone: +1 570-582-5001
E-mail: info@lovemyhairvitamins.com
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